
Hey, grammar aficionados! Ever felt like your sentences lack that extra flair? Enter relative clauses, the unsung heroes that give your nouns a little extra oomph. They’re like the trusty sidekicks in a superhero movie, always there to add depth and detail. Intrigued? Let’s get to know them better.

Relative Clauses

What Are Relative Clauses?

A relative clause is a type of subordinate clause that provides additional information about a noun. It usually starts with a relative pronoun like ‘who,’ ‘which,’ or ‘that.’ For example, “The woman who rocked the stage is my aunt.” Here, “who rocked the stage” is the relative clause, giving us more info about the woman.

Types of Relative Clauses

There are two main types:

  1. Defining Relative Clauses: These are essential for understanding the noun. E.g., “The book that I read was amazing.”
  2. Non-Defining Relative Clauses: These add extra info but are not essential. E.g., “My house, which is near the park, is cozy.”

The Building Blocks

To form a relative clause, you’ll need:

  1. A Relative Pronoun: ‘Who’ for people, ‘which’ for things, ‘that’ for both.
  2. A Verb: The action in the clause.
  3. Sometimes, a Preposition: “The person for whom the gift is.”

Common Mistakes

Watch out! People often misuse relative pronouns or forget the commas in non-defining clauses. Remember, commas are your friends when you’re adding extra, non-essential info.


What is a relative clause and examples?

A relative clause provides extra information about a noun and usually starts with a relative pronoun. E.g., “The car that is red is mine.”

What are the 5 relative clauses?

  1. Who
  2. Whom
  3. Whose
  4. Which
  5. That

What are 7 relative clauses?

In addition to the above 5, there are:

  1. Where
  2. When

What are the 10 relative clauses?

Expanding on the 7 above, we have:

  1. Whoever
  2. Whomever
  3. Whichever


Relative clauses are the seasoning to your sentence stew. They add flavor, depth, and meaning. So, why not make them your go-to tool for spicing up your English?

Meta Keywords: Relative clauses, defining clauses, non-defining clauses, relative pronoun, English grammar, essential, non-essential, examples, FAQs
Meta Description: Explore the world of relative clauses in English. Learn their types, how to form them, and how to use them to add depth and detail to your sentences.

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